A potty-trained 6-month old

About a week and a half ago, a thought hit me. If Bubby had control with a diaper on, and could communicate his needs well enough for me to get him to the potty, why wouldn't he have control with the diaper off? I started testing this little theory during mornings, when I don't have time to diaper-off, diaper-on every single time he needs to go (about every fifteen minutes). And it worked. So, I gradually expanded his diaper free sessions to larger blocks of time.

Yesterday was Bubby's first completely diaper-free day. He wore diapers for his naps and feedings. That was it. When he sits on the rug, I have something waterproof underneath him. When he's on the 80s-style linoleum, he is on the linoleum. Yesterday, we sustained one poopy blob on the mat in Precious' room, and that was it. Everything else went in the potty. The only exception was the waking pee in his diaper after naps.

During other diaper-free sessions, I noticed that if I laid him on his stomach, the result was almost always a pee. Aunt R suggested to me that this is probably because of the pressure on his bladder. My sister is going to be an awesome EC-mom (yes, I actually have two converts: my sisters)! When Precious was in the elusive stages of toddler potty training on our camping trip last summer, Aunt R could almost always tell when Precious needed to go by intuition alone. I was wishing that I could have her around all the time during those days!

Back to Bubby...
I am so impressed with this little guy, and amazed at the natural wisdom that God has given our babies! Bubby communicates his needs (loud vocalization, squirming and grunting when he needs to go), and I respond. It is fast, almost effortless, and it involves a beautiful synergy. I love being able to communicate with my baby on this level. I don't have words to describe how incredible it is.

So, I've bragged about Bubby being daytime potty-trained. However, nights still involve wet diapers. I am quite the inconsistent sleep-training mom. Bubby is learning to sleep in his crib, but I miss having him in our bed! Therefore, when he cries out for me at, say, four in the morning, I have to run grab him and tuck him in next to me. I can't help it, and I certainly can't listen to him cry with a sleep-fogged brain.

I believe that children need to be able to self-soothe (pacifiers, lovies), but I am against "crying it out." I know there's a difference between the "I'm WET" or "I need to potty" cry, and the "I'm lonely, and I'd like to see your face" cry (more like a mewl). Finding a balance is a challenge, though. I think that once Bubby becomes adept at getting himself back to sleep at night, he will not need to nurse and consequently, pee. I'm not sure when this will happen. I am so impressed with infant potty training thus far, I don't care if he's two before he accomplishes this!

P.S. After settling for pottying Precious' bears, dolls, elephants, etc. on Bubby's potties, I found out recently that my mother has acquired-- from a yard sale-- a doll-sized potty for her! How cute is that?!
