Warning: This is a brag-session on my most controversial topic, so far.
... and destroy the results with the knock-on-wood effect... I must say that it appears that Precious is now a nighttime graduate of the school of potty training. I was waking her up around 11-ish to pee, but for the past two weeks, she seemed really out of sorts, not eager to go, and not at all urgent to go when she woke up the next morning. So, I stopped the midnight rendevousies. And, so far, she's staying dry.
This morning, I was giddy thinking about all of the parents that are just now starting their 25-month-olds (or older) on the potty. And, my girl is done!!! Early Start Potty Training is not necessarily the easiest, most "efficient" method, but research shows that it does have a higher success rate in terms of bedwetting. At this point, I feel like my efforts are really paying off. Bottom line (heh): the earlier the child learns control, the easier it is for him to-- well, have control.
And, thanks to my blogging on putting babies (and young toddlers) on the potty, several of my dedicated readers have realized that "no control until two years" is a myth and have started putting their young 'uns on the potty, too. I feel that many of us are being liberated from diapers and the diaper industry's rhetoric. Then, there are readers who think I'm slightly on the normal side of crazy for taking issue with diapers, of all things. And that's fine, too. [smile]
Pottying Bubby has also gotten much easier lately. When we're out, he will wait a long time after giving me a cue before he actually eliminates, which gives me time to get him somewhere that he can go. At home, I'm starting diaper-free times where I'll carry him around and just pop him on the potty when he starts grunting and shifting uncomfortably. This works really well in the mornings when he needs to pee a lot, and I have a lot of things to do. He usually goes for hour to hour and a half stretches in the afternoons that he doesn't need to go, also. Life is good.
A parting thought: The same advocates of "let them cry it out" also came up with "no elimination control until two years." (Did it ever occur to them that baby might be crying because he needs to go to the potty?) How much more do we think they could be wrong on? Seriously, six thousand years of human history, and in the last fifty years we started training our babies to do their business exclusively in diapers??? Sheesh.
Okay, enough bragging and politicking. Let's see if Precious wakes up dry from her nap... ;D
... and destroy the results with the knock-on-wood effect... I must say that it appears that Precious is now a nighttime graduate of the school of potty training. I was waking her up around 11-ish to pee, but for the past two weeks, she seemed really out of sorts, not eager to go, and not at all urgent to go when she woke up the next morning. So, I stopped the midnight rendevousies. And, so far, she's staying dry.
This morning, I was giddy thinking about all of the parents that are just now starting their 25-month-olds (or older) on the potty. And, my girl is done!!! Early Start Potty Training is not necessarily the easiest, most "efficient" method, but research shows that it does have a higher success rate in terms of bedwetting. At this point, I feel like my efforts are really paying off. Bottom line (heh): the earlier the child learns control, the easier it is for him to-- well, have control.
And, thanks to my blogging on putting babies (and young toddlers) on the potty, several of my dedicated readers have realized that "no control until two years" is a myth and have started putting their young 'uns on the potty, too. I feel that many of us are being liberated from diapers and the diaper industry's rhetoric. Then, there are readers who think I'm slightly on the normal side of crazy for taking issue with diapers, of all things. And that's fine, too. [smile]
Pottying Bubby has also gotten much easier lately. When we're out, he will wait a long time after giving me a cue before he actually eliminates, which gives me time to get him somewhere that he can go. At home, I'm starting diaper-free times where I'll carry him around and just pop him on the potty when he starts grunting and shifting uncomfortably. This works really well in the mornings when he needs to pee a lot, and I have a lot of things to do. He usually goes for hour to hour and a half stretches in the afternoons that he doesn't need to go, also. Life is good.
A parting thought: The same advocates of "let them cry it out" also came up with "no elimination control until two years." (Did it ever occur to them that baby might be crying because he needs to go to the potty?) How much more do we think they could be wrong on? Seriously, six thousand years of human history, and in the last fifty years we started training our babies to do their business exclusively in diapers??? Sheesh.
Okay, enough bragging and politicking. Let's see if Precious wakes up dry from her nap... ;D
I've been VERY LAZY when it comes to training Abigail at night! With the boys I just cut off all drinking after supper (with the exception of a little water) and it wasn't long until they would wake up dry. Of coarse if they woke up in the middle of the night I would remind them to go potty, but I never woke them up to go. When they went two weeks with a dry pull-up, they had graduated to full-time underoos!!
All of this said, Miss Abigail has been wearing big girl panties since last summer and she is still sleeping in a pull-up! We are not on a very consistent schedule due to Jeremy's shift work, and I think that has a lot to do with it. She has been having more dry than wet nights lately, but not not quite there yet! She will be three in less than two weeks and it sure would be nice for her to be over the hump before then!!