Yay for the Moby Wrap!

My moss-colored Moby Wrap came in the mail today, and I am so excited about having a wrap that carries Bubby comfortably and has great support for me! Aunt Mo got a Moby Wrap for whichever baby she or Uncle B will be wearing, and she let me try it out with Bubby. He loved it, and I loved it, so I ordered one off of Ebay last week. There's a seller who sells them for retail, but doesn't charge for shipping!

Maybe soon, I'll set up the camera to take a picture of us wearing it!


Marie said…
Wow--I have to agree. Of all the baby carriers I've seen you with, this one looks the best! Especially since it's completely adjustable... keep us updated on how it does in the long-term!

Lots of love--
New Mommy said…
Um, do I have a reputation for trying out-- and rejecting-- baby wearing stuff? Lets see, there was the Infantino sling (baby gets lost), Snugli (good mommy support, but baby doesn't mind eliminating in it; has to be remodeled for Daddy to use), Maya wrap (Shoulder Ache), and finally, the Moby wrap!!!! Fully adjustable and comfortable for everybody! I can't wait to try it with Renee, too! ("Mommy, I hold you.")

Here's the scoop. He didn't like getting into it. I hadn't washed it yet, so it wasn't as stretchy as Monica's. It hurt his legs a little to have to squish up to go in. BUT, once he was in it, he was happy. Right now, we're using the joey hold (or the lazy lotus, wherein I neglect to pull the center section up over his middle).

An added plus: it's easy to get him out of it for potty visits!
Anonymous said…
i will have to try this! i have 2 slings, one is the "over the shoulder baby holder" and it is just so much material! not crazy about the bulging cotton edge on top and bottom... i have always wanted to try the maya wrap but will have to try your moby wrap if i ever get to see you! :) that pic looks really comfortable! i need a new one for all my festivals this spring. i am eyeballing that string maya wrap. i always get the plain khaki ones so i am ready for a change. thanks for the info. let us know how Lucas (and renee) likes it!
p.s. the infantino carrier is a joke. when you need a video to figure it out... :(
New Mommy said…
I put Renee in the hike hold yesterday while Lucas was asleep, and she loved it! I needed to wrap her a little more tightly; she was kind of hanging off of me.

Jennifer, you can have my Maya wrap if you want to try it! There is just no comparison between it and the Moby.