The doctor concurs

Update on the toddler bed: it didn't work at nighttime. About two minutes after I laid her down Thursday night, she ran, wailing, to the door and quickly learned how to open it. I was nursing Bubby, so I was not able to take immediate action. I let her stand there for a few minutes, wondering her fate, while I finished nursing him.

After I laid Bubby down, we went to her room, where she received her promised ~ahem~ you-know-what. Then, I put her on the potty, which she used. Then, I asked her which bed she wanted. She chose the crib, and I didn't hear from her again. Yesterday for naptime, we were coming home from the doctor, and she fell asleep in the car. I laid her in the crib. We'll see about naptime today.

At the doctor yesterday, Bubby received several immunization shots. We've read a lot of literature on them, and we've decided to just pray before our children receive them. We know that God is able to protect them, no matter what is in there. Last night, Bubby was running a slight fever, but he doesn't feel warm this morning (still asleep right now).

When I first started putting Bubby in cloth diapers, I hesistated to let him wear them to the doctor, thinking they might think I was a little strange. Well, yesterday, I got major kudos from the doctor for diapering him in cloth. He told me that disposables are a recipe for diaper rash, and that you never see a cloth-diapered baby with a rash.

Our pediatrician is from India, and everything he says is in a deep, booming voice with a thick accent. He told me that in India, it is too hot for carpet, and all of the floors are hard. Therefore, the babies don't wear diapers at all. He said that they see the mess, learn it's coming from them, and quickly learn where it goes. By a year old, all Indian children are completely potty trained.

I told him I was doing basically the same thing with Bubby, and he thought it was wonderful. I didn't expect to get such support from "the professionals," but I did! When the visit was over with Bubby (13 lbs., 25 inches long, "He looks great!"), he walked Precious down the hall to the lollipop stash and didn't give her one of those small disc-suckers. Oh, no, he gave her a big ol' green one with stuff in the middle!

I think he was pleased.

P.S. Precious said "I love you" to us last night before bed-- no prompting!


Anonymous said…
Poor Renee! Hopefully she will adjust to it on her on soon.

About the immunizations, most of the vaccines they give now are dead virus or some of them you have the option b/w the dead and live. If you get the dead virus, it doesn't cause as much (if any) discomfort. My theory on it is that it is better to have a day or so of mild discomfort and not feeling good, than to have the full blown illness later. If you give Tylonel or Motrin about 1/2 hour before the shot, it greatly discreases the side effects.

And isn't it great to have a pediatrician that is also "human" and not all "by the books!" Our peditrician (who happened to be Alex's when he was younger) just retired much to our dismay. He had raised kids himself and knew that what the medical books said were not always practical. And his take on whether a kid was sick enough to be seen by a doctor-Momma's instinct. So glad you have a ped. that seems to have the same outlook.--Now I'm just in the position of choosing another pediatrician and praying I choose one equally as good as Dr. Bailey. :-)
New Mommy said…
We're not going to force the issue on the bed. We still have a few flexible months until Lucas is ready for the crib.

Have you read about the additives to vaccines? They used to contain thimerosal mercury, and that was linked to causing autism. Not cool. Thank goodness, the last of that batch was phased out in 1999.
Anonymous said…
Amen to Heather about the vaccines. I'd rather not have sickness OR vaccines, but the vaccine doesn't compare to the illness!

About the doctor, I am SO BLESSED to have a wonderful pediatritian also! She does not over-medicate. She has actually given me samples of antibiotics and told me not to use them unless "this" happens, and told me what to look for. At their yearly check up she stresses things like not letting children watch TV (WOW!) and other good moral things. She also stresses PREVENTATIVE healthcare knows that I am a beleiver of natural remedies and supports me with that. She is not the BEST doctor there is, but she IS THE BEST for OUR family!!

My sister-in-law used her and she didn't like her because she didn't medicate enough!! BUT, she works-so she needs a quick fix so that she can return to work. That is understandable.

I didn't mean to ramble, but I am very pleased with our dr. and I dont' get to bragg on her too often!
New Mommy said…
I agree with both of you about the vaccines! Still, it's always good to be an informed consumer.

We are so blessed to have these doctors! My next door neighbor has been going to my pediatrician for over 20 years with her children, and she recommended him to me. Heather, maybe you know someone who could recommend a pediatrician? Word-of-mouth is usually better than the phone book.