Tummy Time

Precious joined Bubby for tummy time yesterday. During tummy time last Friday, Bubby accidentally rolled over! I had to mark it in his baby calendar, even though it doesn't really qualify as rolling over.

Potty update, part 2
I discovered last night that Bubby will not poop in his diaper unless he's asleep. I tried to get him to fall asleep for 30 minutes last night. It was bedtime, and I knew he was tired, but he was uncomfortable; something just wasn't right. I finally gave up and decided to do some housework while I held him. He strained a little more, and I had the brilliant idea to put him on the potty. As soon as I gave him the cue ("psst"), he unloaded. This morning, the same thing happened! Wow.

I could preach a baby-potty sermon here. Why do we train our children to sit in poop? Is that not disgusting? This venture has taken so little effort on my part, it really makes me wonder what we're thinking as a society. It's easy! It works! Are we lazy or just ignorant? (Thanks, Aunt Ma, for listening to my baby-potty sermon last night when I was supposed to be wishing you a happy birthday!)

That said, I'm not holding Bubby over a potty ever minute of the day. I miss a few tee-tees here and there, and I try to change him immediately. When he gets old enough to take himself to the potty, we'll ditch the dipes and go from there. I'm thinking this will happen around a year old... until then, I like this part-time deal with the #1's, and full-time with the #2's.


Anonymous said…
I just love that picture of Renee and Lucas! They are both so adorable!

Thank you for keeping us so updated with the pictures.
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad to hear that. That is wonderful!!

You are so right about the kind of world we are living in. From small things to big things, this world is just perverted! It is proof that it is Satan's Eden!
Anonymous said…
So if I understand your article right if we don't take our infants to the potty every 30 minutes we're either lazy or ignorant? Whoa there Sis Sharon. You may be about to make a lot of good parents upset.
Anonymous said…
I applaude your efforts to potty train your newborn. If you have time and energy for things like that, than more power to you. However, I think you are WRONG for calling society ignorant or lazy because we put diapers on our babies. I do not let my baby SIT in poop. I change his diaper just as soon as he is finished. Just as you wipe your babies bum bum as soon as he is finished. The only difference is I have more to wipe. Maybe I would rather clean house, do laundry, spend quality time with my children, or just simply curl up on the couch with a cup of coffee and a good book to read for some much needed "mommy time". Just because I do not want to hold my baby over the potty (which I do not believe in, mommy gets trained here, not the baby) makes me neither lazy or ignorant. If that is what you want to do, fine, But don't try to push this method on the rest of us!
New Mommy said…
The reference was to our society as a whole, not well-meaning parents such as myself before I found out about EC.

At the turn of the 20th century in America, pediatricians debated over whether an infant was ready to potty at two weeks or two months. When Pampers came out in the 1950s, they paid Dr. Brazelton to endorse the philosophy of "no bowel/bladder control until two years." That was when I think the ignorance began. Much more primitive cultures than ours have been proving us wrong on this point for hundreds of years. They view us as unsanitary.

Besides disagreeing with the philosophy of EC (no problem with that here!), the main excuse now for not pottying infants is that it's too much trouble. That's where I think our instant-gratification culture shows its laziness. It does take time to potty an infant, but for me (not everyone :D), the hygiene aspect and the environmental implications make this effort worth it for me. I do have the time to EC, and I enjoy it. So does Lucas.

Some folks really are too busy to do something like this. They have their children, and I have mine. We're all free to raise our children how we see fit, within the instructions that God gave us to do it with.

Please consider it a challenge to see things differently. I do believe that our society has been duped by the diaper industry.
Anonymous said…
I agree with anonymous.. in today's world, with things so busy and hectic taking the diaper route is the sensible thing to do for most parents. Going diaperless on your newborn takes too much time away from the older child/children. I know Sharon that you mentioned it didn't take much time or effort on your part, but only a few blogs earlier you made it sound like it was too much work and you will be going part time to keep your "sanity".

IN YOUR OWN WORDS: Lucas: potty update. I'm reading his cues very well, and he's taking mine just as well. The only problem-- do I want to spend my whole life holding a six-week-old on a potty? The answer-- No. I think eventually, we'll work out a part-time deal, just to remind him where that stuff is supposed to go, and for me to maintain sanity. Meanwhile, cloth diapers still remind him that he's wet, and he in turn, keeps me on my diaper-changing toes.

You are the mommy - they are your babies, you do things as you wish. But let's not call other mommy's lazy and ignorant because they don't potty train thier newborns. Everyone loves thier babies and wants what's best for them just as you do. Speaking for myself - stripping the pants and diaper off my newborn to set him/her on a cold potty - especially this time of year seems cruel.

Since you so freely gave your opinion - I felt free to give mine. :)
Anonymous said…
Haha. Wow.

If husbands would disconnect their home PC from the internet before going to work each day, mommies would have more time (probably at least 3 hours each day) to hold their newborns over the pot.

Ok, have a look at this funny video in your spare non-mommy time. I don't hold the same opinions as the guy in this video, but it gave me a chuckle. Reading the comments on this post reminded me of it:
Anonymous said…
Ben, it's easy for you to say...."mommy's would have at least 3 hours a day to hold their babies over the pot." Why don't you give your wife a break and YOU do all the potty training for a weekend? I agree with that video 100%. It applies to this blogger.
Anonymous said…
If husbands would disconnect their home PC from the internet before going to work each day, mommies would have more time (probably at least 3 hours each day) to hold their newborns over the pot.

No offense Bro. Ben, but speak for yourself. :-)
Bro Trevor said…
Wow, this has sure been interesting.

I'm intruiged by your research of this, and must admit, the environmental implications are astronomical I would say.

Of course, there are many mothers who can't potty train their babies because they are at work. I guess we don't have to open up that can of worms tho...(or did I just do that?)

Heh heh...

Couple of these comments seemed kinda heated. Kinda surprising. A little James 4:1 might be in order for all of us, along with a bit of James 4:10. Perhaps that would take some of the edge off some commenters.
Anonymous said…

Thought I'd get in on the action!

First, the definition of ignorant is: lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact.
Second, the definition of lazy is: Resistant to work or exertion; disposed to idleness.

When you say that someone is ignorant, you are not saying that they are incapable of anything. You are saying that they just don't have knowledge of the subject. I would rather be ignorant than have a "don't care" attitude.

I used disposable diapers and pull-ups for all three of mine. Although--I do agree that EC is awesome! Anyone that is willing to do that is great! I think that it is much better for the child and the parent. As a whole I can assure you that you will spend less time training your child. Once you get over the initial hump it doesn't take much more time than changing diapers.

As far as the lazy part...
Most people I know are not lazy, their life is just so fast paced. I try so hard not to let our life style get that way.(That is a full time job!!) Brother Branham said that "easy living" was a curse to us!! Even before I had given my life to the Lord I felt that way. So many things that seem like a luxury to us, is actually a curse! (Like processed flour!!)

In all, I think that it is awesome that you have chosen to train your children this way. I also know that you would not intentionally down-grade everyone on your post.

I am very greatful for your blog and all of your opinions. It is very informative. However, I don't always agree with everything that you say. But, I am comfortable with who I am, so I do not take it PERSONAL!!

Thanks again, for all of the time and effort that you put into your blog. It has been a huge blessing to my family!!
Anonymous said…
I never heard of EC! But I can remember potty training my girls. Everyone has their own methods, because we are all different. I didn't do them all the same way--because their personalities were so different--what ever way you do it--do it with love- patient- and understanding. Sticker charts worked the best for me and I put little packages wrapped for them to open after they completed a whole row of stickers. This has been a fun memory for them --that they all remember. God bless all you mommys--your'e doing such a great job. Babies.....Beautiful gifts from God.
Anonymous said…
response from 2nd and 4th anonymous: apology accepted...I also apologize for being a little too harsh:)