Prayer changes things

Here is the latest update on Sis. Rebekah Smith from the Believers International website. Let's keep on praying!

Wednesday, October 18

After her operation last week, Sister Rebekah was not doing well at all; she was incoherent and in a lot of pain.

Many prayers were made over the weekend, and Sunday she made a remarkable improvement. She sat up in the bed and asked for something to eat. All of the confusion was gone and she was a completely different person. They have had her on a morphine pump, limiting the dose to every 6 minutes. On Saturday she was pushing the button constantly, on Sunday she pushed the button 3 times. The doctors have been able to remove the pump, and are simply amazed at the change in her condition.

Fortunately, she has no memory of the previous 2 weeks, and she is in a very positive mood and believing for her healing. Today they released her from the hospital to a small hospice facility, and from there she will be going home soon, to be cared for by family and home hospice care.

Her condition is still very serious, but right now we are thanking the Lord for the difference that prayer has made in the last 3 days, and we thank you for continuing to pray.

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
James 5:16


Anonymous said…
Oh, praise God!

Thanks for posting this. I haden't been checking the Believers International site, so didn't know the progress.

Isn't our God wonderful?