Le weekend

My life runs in blog-format. Events unfold in a dramatically entertaining fashion. I think, "Wow, what a great post!" And then, my life is so interesting that I never have time to blog. Some things, like my children, are far more important than a collection of data. I've also decided that I will have a clean house when I'm fifty, but for now, the kids are the main attraction.

Thursday night, Aunt Mo emailed us saying that Cousin Za was getting baptized Sunday. So, we did a 180 on our plans, and we spent the weekend at their place. Saturday was full of fun things like Uncle Shuck's and Sister Schubert rolls (and new minivans- but Uncle B owes us a blog post on that one). Sunday was full of church, a Subway meal almost spent as a hermit nursing in my car, Cousin Za's baptism, and a relaxing trip home. The full report on Sunday is over at Uncle B's domain.

Life rolls onward. I cannot believe my little boy is two months old today. Two very short months, and I didn't get a picture of the children together to commemorate. Maybe later this week. Wait, the week is almost halfway over...

~Pictures from Uncle Shuck's~
Cousin Za riding the pony
(Preciousdidn't make it around the first turn on her ride before she melted into tears, and consequently New Daddy's arms)

Poppy and Mimi on the hayride
(they look so young!)

Cousin E (and Za) running through the kiddie-maze. No attempt was made by anyone on the adult, Nascar-themed corn maze.
