Air clearing?

Wow! It sounds like I owe all of the wonderful parents of the world who don't potty train their infants an apology for calling them lazy and ignorant! I do apologize for the offense. That was not my intent at all. I got inspired, and I didn't see the response coming (but thanks to anonymous 1 for trying to warn me :D). I didn't know more than ten people read my blog. I guess controversy always generates interest-- the Jerry Springer Effect.

This weekend was spent with my family. Bubby got to meet the great-grandparents on my side of the family, as well as a host of great-aunts and uncles and cousins. Here are some pics! Aunt Ma has a lot more photos of the kids playing, but I doubt she's had time to post them on her blog. Man, did they have a blast!

Stop #1: my dad's parents

Stop #2: my aunt and uncle's house- Bubby with my mom's mother

On the road, I was feeding Precious bread. She says "please" when she wants something, and that's nice. But then, she'll say it over and over when she doesn't get what she's asking for immediately. Trying to cultivate patience in my 21-month-old, I told her to "say 'please,' and wait."

"Wait, wait, wait!" she replied.

I looked at New Daddy and laughed, "I don't think this is working." :D

Sweet-moment from this afternoon's yogurt-eating. "Hand," she said, asking me to put my hand on her shoulder for comfort. After a moment, she sighed, "Happy... Precious."


And, here's a final one: Bubby cooing at Mommy while he relieved himself on the BBLP last Friday...When I spoke of "so little effort on my part," I was talking about showing a young'un what goes where, not actually doing the EC thing, which is time-consuming right now. The good news is that it will become less time-consuming as he gets older, and he'll still have retained the information. I've potty trained a toddler, and I'm EC-ing a baby. It's much easier to get the what-where information across to an infant than a toddler (or older!).

To the anonymous "speak for yourself, Bro. Ben," I must agree that I have spent way too much time on the internet today! I'm happy to report that New Daddy did, indeed, speak for himself, and as far as I'm concerned, he is always right.


Anonymous said…
Wow! I just read the comments to your previous post along with your reply here! I just want to say that I do greatly admire you for your effort in EC with Lucas and early potty-training Renee. You are blessed with your mother's patience and have a good grip on things in your home. On a personal level, I opt for later potty-training. I waited until Michaela and Micah were around 3 and it took about a week to completely potty train each of them. It was well worth the extra time in diapers to have it over so smoothly. With Lydia, I noticed she was "ready" sooner and pretty much have her potty-trained with the exception of a few accidents here and there-which I did not have with my other 2. But I do not have the patience you have-unfortunately-and my kids are spaced closer together than yours. However, if it weren't for reading your blogs and notes on potty-training Renee, I might not be as far along with Lydia as I am now. You have been an encouragement to me in the aspect that I do see you can have a child potty-trained before the age of 3. In essence, I applaud you for your efforts and for doing what is best for your family. And for Bro. Ben for backing you on it. And also to you for the last bit on this entry that your husband is always right. A great outlook for any wife to have.

Lord Bless you!

BTW, loved the pics!
New Mommy said…
Heather, you inspire me! I was just watching the video on VOGR's site with Bro. Joseph quoting Bro. Branham about disagreeing and having love.

There are several mothers that I admire beyond words, and none of them do things exactly the same way. I wish I had conveyed that respect for others before the ceiling fell in :).
Anonymous said…
You know, I actually found Ben's comment extremely offensive, not yours. I figure you have the time and the will for that right now, and that's fine. I have neither, and can't see that the time involved is justified by the benefits. You are an enthusiastic young mom. Ben, on the other hand, is...well, I'll be nice and say no more.
New Mommy said…
Heh-- I must explain, Ben sees blogs as a form of entertainment, and his comment was intended to be rawtha controversial.

It looks like he succeeded in getting more than one person worked up. :D
Anonymous said…
Sharon, I don't mean to laugh, but for such a tiny little thing you have sure created a big stir!! I enjoy your blog and whether a person agrees or disagrees with you its a joy to read your blog. Your children are precious and are Blessed to have such wonderful parents. God Bless.
Sis. Suzette
Anonymous said…
Brother Ben PURPOSLY offending someone????? NEVER!!!

There is no way I would go for that!! If you are not a mom that spends 3 or more hours on the computer a day, why think that it was directed toward you?

This whole thing just baffles me. I am not an EC trainer, although I DO think it is great!! But, I am not lazy--and I know that I'm not! Maybe I am just too easy going, but I am not going to get offended if I don't fall in the category of the subject at hand. Usually I get offended if someone hits a little too close to home.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT I AM NOT SAYING THAT THIS IS TRUE FOR ANYONE ELSE!!! Others have posted their opinions, and I thought that I'd do the same.

It takes all kinds to make the world go around!! And I thank God for that. It would be a mighty boring world if HE didn't make it that way!

The most important thing in EVERY situation is: Keeping the right attitude. If we keep the right mental attitude, God can correct the rest. The Bible says that where much mercy is given, much is received.

New Mommy said…
I love y'all! You are the BEST!

Okay, okay, Ben does not offend intentionally, but he does like to tease, ahem, push buttons. Perhaps the comment was a little of that? (plus an admirable assertion of a man's position, which is bound to offend any woman who might not fully understand hers)

Uh, oh, I think I'm waxing controversial again :).
Anonymous said…

This has all certainly been very interesting!!

Even for a little single, childless gal like me, who tries to think about things such as toilet training as little as possible!

You're cool, Sharon. At least, I think so!

And your babies are so cute!!

Keep up the awesome job you're doing.

God bless you!
Bro Trevor said…
"waxing controversial again"

bwaaa hahahahahahahaa

most likely...