After this nice, quietly alert stage, we had an interesting time getting the ready-to-potty toddler to the potty while nursing the falling-asleep newborn. At least everyone survived, with only a few tears...
Tricks of the trade, so far:
1) The Birth Book by Dr. William Sears and Martha Sears. I can't say enough wonderful things about how this book prepared me to have a successful, natural, hospital birth! It's very educational, and it prepares you to work with (not against) the medical establishment to get what you need for you and the baby. This is a "best practices" book that doesn't focus on one certain birthing method, but combines the Sears' experience from their seven births. Highly recommended!
I discovered from my first-time, pitocin-epidural-etc. birth that an educated consumer is a satisfied consumer. The Birth Book educated me for this birth, and my requests were completely respected and followed. It is the worst feeling to walk through the hospital doors and feel like you are giving up every last right you had, along with your dignity. Knowing what to expect, and how to make things go the way you want them to go is the key to a satisfying experience. Thanks, Jennifer, for recommending the book to me!
2) My Maya Wrap! It makes Bubby feel all snuggly and secure while I do things with my hands free. I could not have a toddler and a newborn and give them both enough attention without it. My mom found one for $7.50 at a yard sale, and it is wonderful!
Summary: I'm not a total attachment parenting-type, but there are some wonderful ideas wrapped up in the philosophy. I'll take what works for me!
Thanks for sharing the book info. Am going to have to check that out very soon.
I've been debating whether to get a Maya wrap or not. They certainly seem handy...hmmm. Wish I could find one for under $50...pray I do.
God bless ya sis. Thanks for keeping us posted on all the latest family news. I enjoy it to no end. :-)
Hmmm, I'm sure someone, somewhere has a pattern for a wrap that would enable you to sew your own. On the online attachment parenting forums, women discuss patterns for wraps, and say that you need to use sailboat rigging for the rings, not the cheaper ones from JoAnn. :D
Because Lucas is a newborn, I feel a little like he gets "lost" in the pouch. I'm still getting used to adjusting it, too. I need to watch the whole DVD, but that means I need to spend time-- a precious commodity!
I hope you win the book!
I did not have a maya, but I did have a sling. It's basically the same thing, just not as fancy looking. I LOVED it! I got mine at a local, bi-annual consignment sale for children. I bought it for $10, and sold it for $10 at the next sale!
Whatever the price is, it's worth it!
lucas's skin looks so kissable. :D
must be some fun times.
btw. we just got our gnerations book as well. i am reading it every moment i get. its great. what did u think of it and also u mentioned awhile back about the testimonies did u get to listen to them yet?
The dvd testimonies from Eagle Manna Ministries are awesome! They're part of a study on the third pull, and some of it is very eye-opening.
Bro Vayle is a great man (i love his sarcastic sense of humour), being 92 and his mind is sharper then most people's in recalling things on the Word.