Inevitably, a little mother-in-training wants to hold her younger sibling. Precious will say "Me!" while I'm holding Bubby, sit down on the floor, and gesture towards her lap. This means she wants to hold the baby. Today, he happened to be wearing a blue t-shirt, and Precious a pink one, so this seemed like a good photo op.
You see what she does when I tell her to smile for the camera. Maybe she's a diva-in-training, too? And guess what, Bubby's eyes are turning blue, and his hair is lightening. New Daddy can't believe that he's going to have two blonde/ blue-eyed children, but it looks like that's what's happening. I also forgot to mention that at his circumcision, he weighed 8 lbs. 12 oz. He gained a pound in less than a week! At least he has something to show for nursing every hour... I've also forgotten how quickly newborns gain weight.
You see what she does when I tell her to smile for the camera. Maybe she's a diva-in-training, too? And guess what, Bubby's eyes are turning blue, and his hair is lightening. New Daddy can't believe that he's going to have two blonde/ blue-eyed children, but it looks like that's what's happening. I also forgot to mention that at his circumcision, he weighed 8 lbs. 12 oz. He gained a pound in less than a week! At least he has something to show for nursing every hour... I've also forgotten how quickly newborns gain weight.
Renee's a perfect little diva, and Lucas is looking so alert for only a week old.
Wish I could come back over, then I'd be saying "Me!" right along with Renee!