Immediately after the funeral, we stopped by the house for lunch, and then got on the road to Louisville for Sam and Sharon's wedding. New Daddy was an usher, and Cousin E was the flower girl/ miniature bride, so New Daddy had already left with Uncle B and Aunt Mo that morning to make it to the rehearsal. The trip with Precious was wonderful, with her sleeping during the first leg, being a sweetheart on the last leg, and excellent traffic the whole way. Plus that, she did all of her eliminating outside of the diaper!
The Saturday wedding was outside on a riverfront park called the Belvedere. And it was beautiful! I was one of the last people to be seated, so I got to sit on the front row, down a few seats from Aunt Mo's parents (what a great photo op!). Precious fell asleep on Aunt Mo, and stayed asleep into the reception.
A few pics...
Daddy and daughter in the hotel room before the wedding
Cousin E as flower girl-- after she had recovered from the fiasco of a slipper that had slipped off her heel...
Sam carrying his bride down the steps at the reception
Sunday morning and evening, we visited the Branham Tabernacle. Precious was [mercifully] really, really good during the services. Then, Sunday night, Bro. Trevor and Sis. Anna May had us over for ice cream after church. Monday morning, we had a wonderful visit to Voice of God Recordings before we headed home. Everyone there is so friendly; looks like it would be a great place to work! We passed Bro. Joseph in the hall, and it was so nice to tell him "God bless you!"
The trip home was pretty trying with Precious, since she was cutting in her bottom eye teeth and coming down with a cold. When it was time for bed, she was very fussy. Finally, I remembered that I could pray for her. Five minutes later, she was asleep. Last night, I didn't get much sleep, because Precious woke up crying every three hours or so. Twice, I just gave her Tylenol and went back to sleep. I thought her problem was teething only, but tonight, I'm giving her cold medication so she can actually sleep! We'll see how it goes...
But the being in Jeff, at Branham Tabernacle, VGR, seeing Brother Joseph! I'm sure Marie told you about how we saw him!
I'm sure Sam & Sharon's wedding was beautiful. I went to Sharon's bridal shower, and that was the most beautiful one I've ever been too.
It's so cool that you got to see Bro Trev & Sis AnnaMay! They're a great family... I wished I could have spent more time with them.
But I could say the same with everyone else I met over there... the whole trip went much too fast for my liking!