An answer to prayer

Before our last trip to New Daddy's parents' house, he bought a chest pack for fishing-- something lightweight to carry his reel and a couple of fly boxes. He used it on the Little Pee Dee trip, brought it home, and forgot about it.

About two weeks ago, he got to thinking about it again, since he would be needing it for this upcoming trip. He looked in all of the usual spots, but no chest pack. He looked in all of the unusual places, with no success. About a week ago, we started praying about it. We called his parents and asked them to look for it at their house. They didn't find it there, either.

Yesterday, we were making plans to stop by the sporting goods store on our way out of town so he could buy a new reel and some flies, replacing about $75 in fly fishing equipment.

Then, while I was getting out of the shower this morning, I heard New Daddy saying "Thank you, Lord, on a Sunday morning!" He had found his chest pack in a grocery bag in our bedroom, of all places! God's timing was, as always, perfect. We are so thankful to Him for answering prayer once again!


Anonymous said…
Praise the Lord you all found the chest pack. I found a precious quote that I thought went well with your post...

"He loves to surprise His people.
You men like to do your wife like that. Wait till her birthday, just keep her under suspicions, 'cause you love her.
That's the reason God lets us come to the end of the road sometime, because He loves us and wants to prove His supernaturalness of His power. 'Cause He loves us, that's the reason He does it. Yes. He just lets us get right down to the place where we're just about ready to make the last step, then He steps in the scene."

Isn't that true? He lets us get to the "giving-up spot" & then steps in...whether it's a big or small matter, He's still there to take care of it. Isn't He lovely? :-)
Em Fergusson said…
Hey Sharon!

You have a great blog...!

We must have met, since I visited Brother Longoria's church last year with my husband. I go to brother Yancey's church and I just happen to be brother Fergusson's daughter. How ironic! I suppose things happen for a reason!

If you need any information about meetings, let me know! My contact information is on my web site

God bless you!
New Mommy said…
Wow, Sis. Sam, that was fitting! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks, Sis. Em. That really does mean a lot to me, coming from someone who writes for a living!