A little temperature

This morning, Precious woke up feeling really warm. I took her temp at 11:00, and it was 101.9. I gave her some Tylenol to bring it down. Four hours later, it was 99.3. She hasn't had any symptoms that I can see except for being a little fussier and cuddlier than normal. I felt her gumlines for tooth buds, and I think I feel some swelling on her upper jaw. I hope that teething is all this is! And, this episode isn't involving a potty strike :).

Do you like my new banner at the top? I took Kristi's suggestion from my comments and found a baby counter! So, now we all know just how pregnant I am. I feel like I am huge. But, I know that makes those of you who see me laugh. So, I'll quit about that. Bubby is quite the acrobat these days! I've got Precious saying "Hey" to him, also.

Things Precious likes to say: "Uh, oh," "No," "Hey," "Bye," "Hey, Daddy!", "What's that?", "Big girl" (accompanied by clapping), and "I did it!" She almost said "Icky toe" yesterday when I was trying to get her to not eat her big toe. She has also started "reading" to herself. She'll take the book, open it, and utter a toddler-sentence while she looks at the page!


Anonymous said…
Ethan woke up with a temp. this morning also! His has been REALLY high all day. Abigail woke up from her afternoon nap with one, but it has not been as high as his. We must have gotten it from the same place. I hope that everything is better tomorrow.
Good Luck!
New Mommy said…
She is doing better today! Sounds like everyone got the same bug...

This morning, she had a little fever when she woke up (100.5), and she cried over breakfast. At first, I thought it was her teeth, but reading your comment, I'm thinking she's tired of Super Porridge and the bug made her fussy. She hasn't had any sleep problems-- a little more tired than normal, if anything. Tylenol definitely helps.