
I love kale. This love for salad bar-garnish started around October 2005. Armed with How to Cook Everything, I made my first batch of "Brazilian-Style Kale," which is probably the easiest way to prepare kale. Heat the oil in the wok on high. Add in 1-2 cloves minced garlic. Add torn kale leaves and toss for about 10 minutes, or until it's darker and slightly tender. Season to taste with salt, pepper and a few sprinkles of lemon juice.

Wow. Simple and Wow.

I was thinking, "Where have you been all my life?" Those curly leaves, that barely sweet, tangy flavor, and the slight crunch! And did I mention the incredible nutrition?

Ruth Yaron dubs kale a "super-duper veggie" in her Super Baby Food book. When I read this, I decided that my girl was going to love kale, just like her mommy! It's a great source of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, plus a host of other nutrients. See the World's Healthiest Foods page for more information.

I now include kale in Precious' breakfast super porridge with banana, an egg yolk, and avocado. At least she eats it, right? In addition, she really does enjoy it when I prepare it Brazilian-style.

A while back, my mom prepared some really yummy kale for us. (All recipes with kale are easily adaptable to other greens.) Here it is.

Kale and Tomatoes
1 bunch kale (about 10-15 stalks), washed and leaves torn from stems in one-inch pieces
1 14.75 oz. can diced tomatoes
1 14.75 oz. can chicken broth
1 grated onion
garlic powder to taste (about a dash)
freshly ground pepper to taste
dill weed to taste (the secret ingredient!)

Bring broth and tomatoes to a boil in a saucepan. Add kale, onion, and seasonings. Simmer on medium-high heat for 20 minutes, or until kale is tender. Makes 4 servings.


Bro Trevor said…
Thanks for the comment on 2mm... I was so glad to hear that testimony!
New Mommy said…
I thought you'd enjoy that! We're praying for a safe delivery for your wife!
Anonymous said…
Another great way to prepare it is Southern-Style-- Though it's not as healthy as the first two--

Pan-fry bacon.

Sautee an onion and some garlic in ~2T. of the bacon grease, olive oil, or a mixture of the two (my personal fav). Mix in greens, pour in 1/2 c. (I think) chicken broth or white wine, and simmer, covered, until tender. Toss with bacon, salt, freshly ground pepper, and some nutmeg.

I like to mix spinach and kale together for this one.

Voila. Yum.