Happy Anniversary to Us!

Four years ago today, New Daddy and I were united in Holy Matrimony. It has been the best choice that I've made in my life, besides deciding to serve God. We couldn't be happier!

Here is a little photo from memory lane (heheh-- just wait another thirty years!!).

For the ceremony, we decided to skip the sappy, secular love songs. There were only two songs: "He Looked Beyond My Fault and Saw My Need", and then we sang "This is the Day" to each other. There was a strong Presence of the Holy Spirit at the wedding, and my mother's dear Catholic cousin could describe it no other way than "magic." But we believers knew What (or Who) it was! The day was a special day for us, but I think by making Jesus welcome, it was a special day for our guests, too.

At the end of the ceremony, we played Bro. Branham's prayer from a wedding (65-0220x) as a witness, and because we love our prophet that much!
"Our Father, we thank Thee this afternoon that there is still, on earth, men and women who believe You. And as we here today, many of us, has went through the similar time, for the same purpose. We are minded, as we see a young man and a young woman, that has agreed to live holy and separate from the world and other companions, to live only to them, each other.

We are minded of the Church that also has agreed to live holy and accept, from the world, separated, and waiting for the Coming of the Bridegroom. May our hearts beat in love for Him. May our minds be upon Him, and waiting and longing for that great Wedding Supper that's going to be in the air, one day when He does come. Though He tarry, yet He'll be here. And as we leave today, then may this be reunited in our minds and our hearts, and may we pledge ourself to Thee anew, to live undefiled from the world, that we might someday be a partaker of that great Ceremony that's soon to come. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen."


Anonymous said…
Congratulations! and yes it was a "magical" wedding! I am so happy for the both of you...I feel Blessed to know you.
Sis. Suzette
Isaac'swife said…
that is beautiful! :D

afterall the foundation of a marriage is the Word of God! :D
New Mommy said…
Thanks for stopping by, Sis. Suzette! We're blessed to know you!
Anonymous said…
Happy Anniversary!! Hope you had a wonderful day!