I think the yogurt is okay?

I was really surprised when the yogurt "made" after sitting for eight hours with no heat to culture it. I tried some plain to determine if it was okay to eat. It has a slightly "off" flavor, but nothing alarming. So, I've sweetened it up with some organic sugar and flavored it with some lemon juice, and am enjoying it while I write! I can hardly tell the difference. I'm guessing that heating up the milk to kill the bad bacteria really did work, and there was nothing to grow and sour the milk overnight. Hmmm.

Bro. Jonathan spent the night with us last night, and he gave New Daddy some awesome job hunting tips! We all got to bed way too late, and 6:00 came pretty quickly this morning. New Daddy plans to head over to the Georgia Dome during his lunch break to visit my dad and the robotics team he coaches. Their having a tournament over there today.

The VGR site has a wonderful tribute to Brother Branham's help meet, Sister Meda. Her birthday was yesterday. The quote that plays when you click on their picture is so precious.
