All better now!

Precious is completely back! Normal bowels, normal appetite, normal energy. Now, if I can just get her used to nursing only twice a day again! And I still need to bleach the tub :). Shout gel was great stuff for the clothes :).

"I am the LORD that healeth thee."
Exodus 15:26


Today Aunt Mo went to the midwife, and I babysat Cousins E and Z. We had a blast, but I am worn out! (Why am I still awake, then, you may ask? New Daddy is working on the church website, and I can't stand to go to bed without him.) And visiting the Etowah Indian mounds on Saturday did a number on my legs! Cousin Z counted 100 steps on Mound A and 46 steps on Mound B. And then we took the nature trail-- more like a nature hike!

Tonight New Daddy came home from work worn out, and we passed dinner with scarcely two words between us. After dinner, we laid around, no energy at all. Then, New Daddy asked me to play piano while he/we sang. And the Holy Spirit just blessed us both. After that, we felt like new people.

There is something sacred and wonderful about those old hymns; no wonder Bro. Branham talked about them so much! Songs like "Nearer, My God, to Thee," "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood," and "What a Friend We Have in Jesus." God used music to heal us tonight, and we are so thankful!


Anonymous said…
Sharon, I am so glad Renee is better . Your blog is such a wonderful testimony to the healing powers of our Lord Jesus Christ...I am always Blessed and encourged after reading your posts..And how wonderful Ben encouraged you to play and sing and you both were retored and refreshed!! God Bless you.
Love, Suzette
Anonymous said…
Wish I could've been a fly on the wall, so I couldv've listened!
New Mommy said…
You all are so encouraging! Melody, maybe by summer you can be a fly on the wall! I've set a cd recording date for the end of this month, and I'm going to record the piano music that I like to play here at home.