I must quote

Precious is taking a really long afternoon nap, so I took a little surfing-trip. And I came across this blog, which I really like. Today's post was a mini-review for Created to be His Help Meet, in conjunction with some advice for a woman who is considering leaving her husband because she doesn't feel that she gets enough attention from him.


Marie said…
Wow. Great stuff.

--Of course, for those who haven't picked up a copy, it's such a worthy read. I'm not married, and I still benefit from it.

God Bless!
Anonymous said…
interesting link, thanks for sharing i found some more blogs off this one and they were just great.
Isaac'swife said…
http://genuineprofit.lifewithchrist.org/is one of the links i found
New Mommy said…
Wow! What a great link! Thanks for sharing, Becca!