The Invasion of the United States 54-0509
244 To you little mothers here this morning, that's been real mothers, and I know there's many of you; I think, every one of you. Let me tell you something. God bless you. You're the fifth Gospel, I think. Let me tell you what's in there for your children, just a little thing. 'Cause, Brother Neville will probably preach on the--about mother tonight, or whoever, one of us that preaches, all right, about mothers. But, listen, let me ask you something.
Remember, when Moses was a little boy, it was a mother who give him his instruction. It was a godly mother who took little Moses on her knees, and said, "Moses..." taught him all. He was her teacher or... She was his teacher, rather, under Pharaoh, and said now these things. Said, "Moses, someday you're going to deliver the children of Israel. You're the boy that's called. Keep yourself pure and unspotted from the world, for you're the one. You're the one."
No other place do we know where he ever went to any seminary, any teaching at all, he ever got. He stayed right in Pharaoh's palace, which was a heathen; but his mother taught him. That's a real mother. She taught him the precepts of the Lord. She told him how he must be holy. She told him how and what he must live, and how, what God must do, would do for him. And it stuck with Moses all the days of his life.
And any good, true, loyal mother that'll take her little babies, instead of send them to picture shows and dances, and so forth like that, and she'll put them on her lap and teach them about the Lord Jesus Christ.
There is one area that we ladies are called to: to be real mothers and help meets to our husbands. Here is what Brother Branham had to say about us.
God Bless!
I don't think I can say anything better than that!