Bro. George Fergusson preached the wedding (flew in from Canada!). He gave an awesome sermon on love and what it takes to make a great marriage. There was such a sweet Presence of the Holy Spirit during the whole service. Then, Sunday morning, he preached at Bro. Hughes' church, another awesome sermon on judging by the Spirit, and staying with what Bro. Branham has preached. It was a beautiful sermon, and we were really glad we went, even though we backtracked from Augusta to get there. New Daddy's parents met us there, and then we ate lunch together.
Before he started his sermon, Bro. Fergusson gave a brief missionary report. One of the things he mentioned is that through many years of denominational missionary attempts, the Pygmies of Africa have never changed religions from their ancient pagan worship. That is, until they were presented with Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever-- the Message of the Hour. Currently, there are 150,000 believing Pygmies in Africa (more believers than in the US and Canada combined)!
Then, we drove back to Beech Island for the evening service at Bro. Ulteig's. We had a wonderful time fellowshipping with our brothers and sisters! When we were first married and I was finishing my degree at USC, we lived in Aiken while New Daddy worked in Augusta. So, we attended Bro. Ulteig's for about six months. It was such a sweet time in our early married-hood.
We got in around 1:40 with me driving most of the way :). New Daddy, bless his heart, cannot keep his eyes open when he is tired. For some reason, I am decent at propping mine open and making them stay. Thank the Lord for a safe trip.