Fun things for Precious to do

Precious loves social interactions. Like, the phrase, "Thank you". She places things in my hand just to get me to say "thank you!", then promptly retrieves them, and then places them in my hand again. And, when I say thank you, she gives this huge grin and ducks her head. So cute!

Precious loves to talk on the phone. Today, she had New Daddy's guitar cable with one of the ends next to her ear, saying "hello!" When I am on the phone, she likes to grab the Media Center remote and talk to it!

Precious loves to "put" things places. This is very cool because now she can pick up after herself! However, she likes to hide her pacifiers and then retrieve them. One of her favorite hiding places is down my shirt! Unfortunately, this didn't work very well in church.

Other things Precious likes to hide and seek are food pieces. Down her shirt, on the floor, and down in the high chair seat. I am trying to curb this, even though it is pretty funny. Last night, I found a piece of pasta from supper in her shirt at the grocery store! I gave it to her, and she ate it while we waited to check out.

Didn't someone say once that life is never boring with children?


Anonymous said…
How funny! Lydia would give me things just to hear me say "Thank you" and promptly take them away too. I think that is so cute!

God Bless!

Marie said…
When I hear you talking about her, I feel like I'm missing so much... But I'm glad you keep us updated! :)

Books are fun was at our school--and you know what that means! --lol--

I'm hopless...

Love Y'all!