I'm down to doing updates now, since I'm getting slack.
Friday night, we went to see the ASO with Christopher O'Riley soloing on piano! The Ravel concerto was Awesome. I had hacked around on it in college, but gave up because I couldn't solve several technical problems (and I think I was getting married soon, too, heheh). Thanks to Joe and Becky for the tix, and to Ruthi for inviting us! And thanks to Aunt Mo (and Uncle B, Za and E) for babysitting!
Funny stuff-- Ruthi always ends up in the most interesting things. She had asked a lady to take a picture of her and Merry at Symphony Hall, and the lady turned out to be the mother of the new-piece composer. So, Ruthi had to take our picture with Mrs. Pound, haha! Here we are...

After the ASO, we headed up to Buckhead to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. It was a beautiful night, so we had the windows down. As we passed one of the many Buckhead bars, New Daddy heard the oddest thing (or at least we thought, for a bar)-- "I'll Fly Away" being played by the band. (????)
We spent Friday night at Uncle B and Aunt Mo's, and New Daddy's parents drove in on Saturday to see everybody and for Poppy to install a new window in the bedroom. Mimi babysat while Aunt Mo and I went shopping. I spent way too much money at Target, but the sales were great, and the clothes were just Way Too Cute.
Sunday was a wonderful day. We were so blessed by the services, and we had a get-together for pastor appreciation month (just a couple of days late :) with nice fellowship. Then, we drove up to Cheaha to see the leaves and smell some mountain air. New Daddy fell into the stream that the guys hiked up to, and his dress shoes are still airing out! We tied his socks onto the antenna so they would dry.
New Daddy is home today. He was supposed to have taken Friday off, but he forgot and went into work, so he's off today instead. Precious will hardly let him out of her sight. She thinks Daddy is the Bees Knees! At church, she was a little fussier than usual, and one of the older mothers told me that she's teething. Sure enough, when I felt her upper gums, she had swollen stubs on either side of her two front teeth. Ouch. I'm glad I had some homeopathic teething gel that helped her a lot (thanks, Mimi!).
Friday night, we went to see the ASO with Christopher O'Riley soloing on piano! The Ravel concerto was Awesome. I had hacked around on it in college, but gave up because I couldn't solve several technical problems (and I think I was getting married soon, too, heheh). Thanks to Joe and Becky for the tix, and to Ruthi for inviting us! And thanks to Aunt Mo (and Uncle B, Za and E) for babysitting!
Funny stuff-- Ruthi always ends up in the most interesting things. She had asked a lady to take a picture of her and Merry at Symphony Hall, and the lady turned out to be the mother of the new-piece composer. So, Ruthi had to take our picture with Mrs. Pound, haha! Here we are...

After the ASO, we headed up to Buckhead to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. It was a beautiful night, so we had the windows down. As we passed one of the many Buckhead bars, New Daddy heard the oddest thing (or at least we thought, for a bar)-- "I'll Fly Away" being played by the band. (????)
We spent Friday night at Uncle B and Aunt Mo's, and New Daddy's parents drove in on Saturday to see everybody and for Poppy to install a new window in the bedroom. Mimi babysat while Aunt Mo and I went shopping. I spent way too much money at Target, but the sales were great, and the clothes were just Way Too Cute.
Sunday was a wonderful day. We were so blessed by the services, and we had a get-together for pastor appreciation month (just a couple of days late :) with nice fellowship. Then, we drove up to Cheaha to see the leaves and smell some mountain air. New Daddy fell into the stream that the guys hiked up to, and his dress shoes are still airing out! We tied his socks onto the antenna so they would dry.
New Daddy is home today. He was supposed to have taken Friday off, but he forgot and went into work, so he's off today instead. Precious will hardly let him out of her sight. She thinks Daddy is the Bees Knees! At church, she was a little fussier than usual, and one of the older mothers told me that she's teething. Sure enough, when I felt her upper gums, she had swollen stubs on either side of her two front teeth. Ouch. I'm glad I had some homeopathic teething gel that helped her a lot (thanks, Mimi!).