This morning, we went shopping for some warm clothes for Precious, among other things. When we got home, it was a little after noon, and Precious had dozed off in the car. I tried to get her out of her car seat unobtrusively, but of course, this never works on a beautiful Fall day when the sun is blindingly bright. So, she woke up. I took her upstairs, nursed her, and put her down to finish her nap. She was very quiet for about 45 minutes, and then she started crying. After a few minutes, I went to get her, and this is what I saw, in the order of discovery.
1) An adorable munchkin clutching her beanie baby dog, pacifier in mouth. 2) An adorable munchkin whose pants have somehow Come Off? 3) An adorable munchkin who stinks (upon closer observation). 4) And, a pacifier on the floor, a sock in the crib, and the other sock on the floor. It was just too much. "Bwahahahaha!!" I just died laughing when I saw her. You see, I still haven't turned on the heat, and though her room wasn't freezing, it wasn't very balmy either. No wonder she was fussing! When she saw me laughing, though, her misery turned to mirth, and we had a group gigglefest.
So, I changed her diaper, fed her lunch, and put her back down to sleep. This time, she actually SLEPT :).
Other news-of-note
Tuesday morning around 4:30, my sleep was in a lighter state, when I suddenly heard "Baaaaaaaaan...," the sound of a Ford vehicle horn cutting through the morning air.
"What is THAT?" I whispered to New Daddy. He shot awake.
"It's the Truck!", I suddenly realized. In a sleepy stupor, New Daddy threw on some clothes and slippers and shot outside to rescue our truck. A few moments later, he dashed back inside.
"It's the neighbor's police car!" (same neighbor whose mailbox was creamed by our ash tree during Jeanne)
At this point, I saw my other neighbor running across the cul-de-sac, so I said "You'd better go over there, too!" So New Daddy threw on some more clothes and hopped over to see What was going on. Ten minutes later, he came back inside, told me that the guy's horn had shorted out, etc. Around 10:00 that morning, a tow truck came and got the patrol car. We lost about an hour of sleep winding down from this early morning drama!
1) An adorable munchkin clutching her beanie baby dog, pacifier in mouth. 2) An adorable munchkin whose pants have somehow Come Off? 3) An adorable munchkin who stinks (upon closer observation). 4) And, a pacifier on the floor, a sock in the crib, and the other sock on the floor. It was just too much. "Bwahahahaha!!" I just died laughing when I saw her. You see, I still haven't turned on the heat, and though her room wasn't freezing, it wasn't very balmy either. No wonder she was fussing! When she saw me laughing, though, her misery turned to mirth, and we had a group gigglefest.
So, I changed her diaper, fed her lunch, and put her back down to sleep. This time, she actually SLEPT :).
Other news-of-note
Tuesday morning around 4:30, my sleep was in a lighter state, when I suddenly heard "Baaaaaaaaan...," the sound of a Ford vehicle horn cutting through the morning air.
"What is THAT?" I whispered to New Daddy. He shot awake.
"It's the Truck!", I suddenly realized. In a sleepy stupor, New Daddy threw on some clothes and slippers and shot outside to rescue our truck. A few moments later, he dashed back inside.
"It's the neighbor's police car!" (same neighbor whose mailbox was creamed by our ash tree during Jeanne)
At this point, I saw my other neighbor running across the cul-de-sac, so I said "You'd better go over there, too!" So New Daddy threw on some more clothes and hopped over to see What was going on. Ten minutes later, he came back inside, told me that the guy's horn had shorted out, etc. Around 10:00 that morning, a tow truck came and got the patrol car. We lost about an hour of sleep winding down from this early morning drama!