Precious is learning how to click her tongue. So, we have whole conversations of tongue-clicking and sucking sounds! We are very proficient. Also, her clapping is always a clapping sound, now (no more flops)!
Ruthi got onto me about my blogging reticence, so here is another post! BTW, you can read Ruthi's blog at
We spent last weekend at my parents' and had the annual Fall birthday gathering with my family at Aunt Debbie's. Here is a picture of all of the babies and toddlers. Brian, on the left, got tackled by Precious when she tried to use him to stand up. We need to work on social skills ;). Cousin S was as passive, sweet, and wiggly as he could be, and Cousin I enjoyed using his car carrier truck for his own transportation. A great time was had by all. Then, Sunday, we visited my parent's church and heard some great preaching on Identity.
Tomorrow, we head up to N. Georgia to go camping with Trey and Mary. Trey was New Daddy's best buddy in school. They are still like brothers, and so much alike that it's a little scary :). But it's hilarious and great fun to watch. We'll be kayaking Lake Tugalo and gravy-boating and fly fishing for bluegills on Lake Yonah. The weather is supposed to be sunny, highs in the 80s, lows in the 50s. Perfect? Mais, oui!
P.S. on the brakes... New Daddy is off work today, and he is going to try to finish the brakes.
Ruthi got onto me about my blogging reticence, so here is another post! BTW, you can read Ruthi's blog at
We spent last weekend at my parents' and had the annual Fall birthday gathering with my family at Aunt Debbie's. Here is a picture of all of the babies and toddlers. Brian, on the left, got tackled by Precious when she tried to use him to stand up. We need to work on social skills ;). Cousin S was as passive, sweet, and wiggly as he could be, and Cousin I enjoyed using his car carrier truck for his own transportation. A great time was had by all. Then, Sunday, we visited my parent's church and heard some great preaching on Identity.
Tomorrow, we head up to N. Georgia to go camping with Trey and Mary. Trey was New Daddy's best buddy in school. They are still like brothers, and so much alike that it's a little scary :). But it's hilarious and great fun to watch. We'll be kayaking Lake Tugalo and gravy-boating and fly fishing for bluegills on Lake Yonah. The weather is supposed to be sunny, highs in the 80s, lows in the 50s. Perfect? Mais, oui!
P.S. on the brakes... New Daddy is off work today, and he is going to try to finish the brakes.