Going where no baby has gone before...

Today, Precious got stuck underneath the small trampoline on the kitchen/dining floor. I wasn't aware that she had bellied her way under there until she slipped and bumped her head on the floor. Then, her cries alerted me to the situation. I lifted up the trampoline, and she nonchalantly crawled out from under it. I doubt she'll be visiting the trampoline's belly in the future...

I completely ran out of hard red wheat tonight while preparing supper! I was making a pizza crust for bacon spinach pizza, and I only had 3.5 cups of flour (and needed 4.5). So, I supplemented with soft white wheat and hoped for the best. I used half of the dough for the pizza crust, and made a loaf out of the other half. And guess what, the best happened! This bread loaf is the most beautiful one I've ever seen in my kitchen yet! Well, I must admit that while it was beautiful in the oven, it fell a little flat on top after it came out of the oven.

I grind my own wheat and other grains. I bought the wheat and grinder from The Bread Beckers in Woodstock, GA. I started grinding the wheat mostly because it is so nutritionally superior to store-bought whole wheat bread (you might be thinking "Ha!" since I told you I made pizza with bacon ;). And then, I discovered how fun and delicious it is to eat my own bread!


Marie said…
Sharon! you beat me to it! No--it's lovely to see you on the 'net--and maybe one day I'll catch up with you and actually begin writing in the blog I *do* have.

Love you--and everyone else--lots!
